Monday, July 13, 2009

Meet my family

Here is my puppy, Rudy, and me. He is 3 years old and is so cute! As you can see yes I have braces and every time I have changed the colors except once they have had pink on them.
Here is my mom and dad. They are the best parents that I could have. My mom is a pharmacist and my dad is a nurse.

Here is my brother. He is a lacrosse goalie, football player, and basketball player. He is a sports lover!



  1. I love your new blog sweetie! :)


  2. Hi Danielle. I just love your blog. I look forward to staying in touch with you and seeing what's happening on your side of the world.

  3. Danielle! Your blog is PINK! *lol*
    Welcome to blogger land, girlie! Thank you for the explanations with your gymnastics ... I did some, a LONG time ago, though you are MUCH better at all of it than I ever was.
    Can't wait to read more!

  4. welcome Danielle! Your blog looks great!!! Have fun blogging!

  5. Hi, Danielle! What a pretty blog! And what a pretty girl you are! Love that sweet smile of yours! I enjoyed all the photos of you and your family. I grew up with an apricot poodle who looked a lot like your Rudy. He was a wonderful member of the family. I'm looking forward to reading more of your news.
